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Business News

20,000 press-ups in 20 days – achieved by our team!

Firstly, we would like to say a big thank you to all clients for your donations so far. We are delighted to confirm we have now completed our 20,000 press-ups for Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and we are so close to reaching our target of £3000!

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Business News

A&C’s Christmas Jumper Day 2021!

A&C’s Christmas Jumper day has been a great success! The team at A&C Chartered Accountants have had a fantastic day on 10th December 2021, to help raise money for the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity

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Business News

Tax free Christmas gifts for employees

Remember that certain gifts to staff at Christmas are also tax free if structured correctly. Employers are allowed to provide their directors and employees with certain “trivial” benefits in kind tax free.

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Business Advice

Christmas parties and tax!

Last year many businesses put on a “virtual” Christmas parties and HMRC agreed that would be acceptable in order for there to be no taxable benefit for the employees involved.

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Business News

Gifts to Charity

Where possible taxpayers should “Gift Aid” any payments to charity to provide a further benefit to the charity.

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Business Advice

Gift giving and tax

This time of year we need to consider gift giving and tax. It is easy during the Christmas period to to be  generous, but most of us feel we are quite generous enough to the taxman during the rest of the year.

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Business Advice

Budgeting for an uncertain year ahead

As we come to the end of 2021, its time to start thinking about the budget for next year. One thing is certain – uncertainty.

Business planning and budgeting have become increasingly complex in today’s uncertain and volatile environment. Firms have had to adapt and become more agile in order to react quickly to changing market conditions and budgets should be created with this in mind.

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Business Advice

Capital allowances on plant in residential property

The capital allowance legislation specifically denies tax relief for plant and machinery installed in a dwelling house. However, plant and machinery installed in the common areas of blocks of flats such as hallways, stairs and lift shafts would qualify as the flats themselves are the dwellings not the building as a whole.

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