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Business Advice

Plastic Packaging Tax update

The Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) was introduced on 1 April 2022. If you manufacture or import plastic packaging into the UK, you may need to register for PPT, submit a PPT return and pay any tax due.

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Small firms struggle to get finance

A recent study by the Federation for small businesses (FSB) shows lending to small businesses has hit an all-time low. New findings from the quarterly Small Business Index (SBI) show successful finance applications plummeting to lowest level on record.

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Tips to help you reduce your business energy bills

Businesses need to lead the way in moving towards net zero carbon emissions. There is no quick fix so businesses need to start the journey now and move towards the ultimate goal of net zero, over the next few years. Here are some of the changes that you can implement in your firm.

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What should you do with your savings?

Savings used to be the foundation of good financial management. Putting cash away to deal with emergencies, or to build up a cash sum for anything from a deposit on a first home to our old age was the first step to financial security.

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