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Business Advice

Can we “furlough” company cars?

During the lockdown period many employees and directors have not been using their company cars and it has been sitting on their driveway. You might think that means that the benefit of having a company car does not apply but unfortunately HMRC do not agree.

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Cocooning a business

Some businesses are going to need to “mothball” or “cocoon” until the Government considers the Pandemic to be of lower risk and trading conditions improve.

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Buy new equipment before 6 April?

Now might be the time to think about new equipment for your company. Your business year-end, not 5 April, is relevant for capital allowances purposes. If however you are running a business and making up accounts to 31 March or 5 April you should consider buying plant and machinery to take advantage of the £1 million Annual Investment Allowance (AIA).

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Consider other tax efficient investments

If you are looking for tax efficient investments opportunities, have you considered the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS)? These investments in certain qualifying companies allow you to set off 30% of the amount invested against your tax bill as well as the ability to defer capital gains tax (CGT) until the shares are sold.

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Innovation Champion

The word innovation can conjure up images of disruptive developments such as online streaming services or companies such as Uber, but you can still be an innovation champion. Fortunately, innovation doesn’t have to happen on a grand scale to make an impact in your business.

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Reduce debtor days to improve cash flow

Cash flow is king in any business. Yet cash flow is one of the areas that many businesses struggle to manage. Customers are reluctant to part with their money, even if it’s to pay for your goods or services. As such, it can take a while for them to pay their invoices.

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Executing your strategy

Having a good strategy is one thing, executing it well can be a huge challenge.

Many business owners and managers are familiar with the scenario – you arrange a strategy day with your team, capture the outputs and create a strategic plan.

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Do you need a desk for everyone in your office?

Office space is expensive. Do you really need to have a dedicated desk for each and every employee? Recent years have brought a lot of changes to the office environment, particularly as technology develops and the next generation of employees has come through to management.

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Key Business Trends for 2020

The environment, wellbeing, mental health and technology look set to be some of the big business trends in 2020. As we move into 2020, businesses will have to adapt in a world that places greater emphasis on sustainable business practices. People will want to work for firms that take care of their employees in terms of their physical and mental health.

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New Year’s resolutions to save tax

At this time of year we think about New Year’s resolutions. It is also a good time to start planning your tax affairs before the end of the tax year on 5th April. An obvious tax planning point would be to maximise your ISA allowances for the 2019/20 tax year (currently £20,000 each).

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Christmas gifts of up to £50 to employees

Remember that certain gifts to staff at Christmas are tax free if structured correctly. Ever since April 2016 employers are allowed to provide their directors and employees with certain “trivial” benefits in kind tax free.

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Gifts to charity

Where possible higher rate taxpayers should “Gift Aid” any payments to charity to provide additional benefit to the charity and for the individual to obtain additional tax relief on the payment.

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Time for an electric company car?

Are you thinking of getting a company car? The government has announced that there will be a zero P11d benefit for the drivers of electric cars from 2020/21. This is instead of the 2% scale charge that was originally included in Finance Act 2017 to apply for 2020/21. The legislation for the change will be included in Finance Bill 2020 and it is proposed that the benefit will be 1% of list price in 2021/2 and then 2% in 2022/3.

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