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Business Advice

Tax relief on creating an office at home

Many company owners work from home, this note looks at how you may obtain tax relief on the cost of converting the spare room or building a deluxe summerhouse to serve as an office in the garden.

• A director can reclaim any expenses incurred when working from home from their company.

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wedding venue

Tax Implications of Divorce

Whilst divorce can be very unpleasant, it is important to seek specialist advice to ensure you understand your tax position, have no hidden surprises and do not miss the opportunity to save tax. It can also be difficult with HMRC. We have outlined some implications to consider when going through with a divorce.

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vw kombi van

When is a van not a van?

HMRC are being urged to provide clarity and consistency on the tax treatment of commercial vehicles such as VW Kombi Vans marketed as goods vehicles. The need for clarity follows the ruling in an important tax tribunal case involving “vans” provided to employees of Coca Cola.

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