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Business News

2021/22 National Insurance Bands

The thresholds for employee and employer national insurance contributions (NICs) have been increased by £1 a week for the 2021/22 tax year. Employees will be liable to 12% NICs between £184 and £967 a week (£50,270 a year). Employer contributions will start at £170 a week.

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Subsidised meals for employees

An employer may provide subsidised or free meals for its staff tax-free. Employer subsidised meals must be:
–  Available to all staff.
–  Made available either at a canteen or on the employer’s premises.

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Get ready for the new off-payroll working rules

Get ready for the new off-payroll working rules:

This time last year businesses were preparing for important changes to the rules where workers supply their services via their own personal service companies. The start date was then deferred from 6 April 2020 to 6 April 2021.

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Top tips for driving your Business Development efforts this year

Top tips for driving your Business Development (BD) efforts this year. BD is often misunderstood. Some might say that it’s all about relationships, another will say it’s all about sales and others will talk about marketing. They are all right, in a way. BD is the creation of long-term value for a firm, through effective management of customers, markets and relationships.

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Key business trends to watch in 2021

Here we will look at the key business trends to watch in 2021. The challenges faced by businesses in 2020 have driven firms across the world to develop, adapt and innovate. Here are some of the key business trends to watch in 2021.

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Annual Investment Allowance

The Chancellor recently announced that the temporary increase in the Annual Investment Allowance (AIA) for expenditure on plant and machinery has been extended to 31 December 2021.

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Changes to Capital Gains Tax

If you sold your property after 6 April 2020 you must report and pay Capital Gains Tax within 30 days of selling property in the UK. You may have to pay interest and a penalty if you do not report gains on property within the time limit.

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