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Business News

Changes to disguised remuneration loan charge

The independent loan charge review, conducted by Sir Amyas Morse, was published on 20 December, having been delayed due to the general election. The loan charge was introduced to collect tax from individuals who had benefited from schemes devised to avoid PAYE and national insurance. The date that the loan was made to the individual is critical in determining whether the loan charge will apply.

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Review of off-payroll working rules

In January the government launched a four-week review of the changes to IR35 “off-payroll” working rules scheduled to come into force in April, as the result of mounting criticism about the way they will operate.

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Budget day is now 11 March

The December General Election meant that the Autumn Budget was delayed and we now know that Sajid Javed will deliver his first Budget on the second Wednesday in March which is when Budget day used to be!

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Key Business Trends for 2020

The environment, wellbeing, mental health and technology look set to be some of the big business trends in 2020. As we move into 2020, businesses will have to adapt in a world that places greater emphasis on sustainable business practices. People will want to work for firms that take care of their employees in terms of their physical and mental health.

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Qualify for capital gains tax relief

As mentioned above furnished holiday lettings businesses are eligible for capital allowances on equipment in the property. Where the business incurs finance costs such as mortgage interest the restriction that applies to other residential property businesses does not apply to furnished holiday lettings.

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Tax on your dividends – January payments

The rules for taxing dividends changed radically from 6 April 2016 with the removal of the 10% notional tax credit and the introduction of new rates of tax on dividends. For many taxpayers that means more tax to pay on dividends on 31 January each year.

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vw kombi van

When is a van not a van?

HMRC are being urged to provide clarity and consistency on the tax treatment of commercial vehicles such as VW Kombi Vans marketed as goods vehicles. The need for clarity follows the ruling in an important tax tribunal case involving “vans” provided to employees of Coca Cola.

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