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As Autumn approaches the school season beckons. Parents want the best for their children and are often more than willing to
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As Autumn approaches the school season beckons. Parents want the best for their children and are often more than willing to
Workplace Pension Law is changing From 1 April 2012, changes to pensions law will affect all employers ( i.e you
THE GOVERNMENT INCREASES THE TAX BREAKS ON APPROVED SCHEMES A&C Chartered Accountants would like to remind our clients and readers
A&C Chartered Accountants would like to remind all new businesses of the NIC Holiday. It would appear that the take
A&C Chartered Accountants would like to advise all clients and other readers of the changes to the penalties for filing
Written contracts for services are not worth the paper they are wriiten on? Following the recent Supreme Court Judgement in
Company cars are a perk of the job. However the tax man wants his share of the benefit. By picking
A&C Chartered Accountants would like to draw to your attention the latest campaign that HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) are
Inheritance tax (IHT) planning There are a number of ways that children can help to reduce the size of your estate