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Business News

Capital gains tax allowance – use it or lose it

The Capital gains tax annual exempt amount reduces from £12,300 to just £6,000 for gains made in 2023/24. Remember that the 2022/23 allowance is lost if not used by 5 April 2023 and you might want to consider bringing forward disposals of chargeable assets where possible.

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Cars, Vans and Taxation!

For those provided with an electronic or ultra-low emission company car (emitting less than 75g of CO2 per kilometre), there will be annual increases in the benefit-in-kind percentages, and therefore the taxes paid

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Dividend income – Reduced 0% band

For all individuals, the first £2,000 of dividend income is taxed at 0%. The government have now decided that this ‘dividend allowance’ of £2,000 will be reduced to £1,000 in the 2023/24 tax year and then again to just £500 in the 2024/25 tax year.

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Income tax updates

Freezing income tax bands: It had already been announced that the income tax personal allowance (£12,570) and higher (40%) rate threshold (£50,270*) would be frozen until 5 April 2026, instead of increasing each year in line with inflation.

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Income tax rates stand still

Undoing all measures announced since 23 September 2022, the income tax rates applicable to non-dividend income remain as they are now; namely a 20% basic rate, a 40% higher rate and a 45% additional rate (for those with income over £150,000)

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