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Making Tax Digital

MTD for income tax reporting

HMRC are currently consulting on the precise details of what needs to be reported each quarter. As expected, it seems the accounting software will need to record and report

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Making Tax Digital For VAT HMRC Webinar

As you are aware, from April 2022, all VAT-registered businesses, including those with a taxable turnover below the VAT threshold will have to keep VAT records digitally and send returns using Making Tax Digital (MTD) compatible software.

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Making tax Digital for income tax coming soon

Making tax Digital coming soon for income tax:

VAT registered business making taxable supplies above the £85,000 registration threshold have been grappling with Making Tax Digital (MTD) since April 2019. The next roll-out will be the introduction of MTD for income tax which is scheduled to start in April 2023.

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Making tax digital now extended to more businesses

Currently only VAT registered businesses making taxable supplies in excess of the £85,000 VAT registration threshold are mandated to comply with Making Tax Digital (MTD) rules. Those rules require the business to keep digital business records and send VAT returns using MTD-compatible software.

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