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Tax News

Key Tax Deadlines: September/October 2024

As we approach the latter half of 2024, it’s crucial to stay on top of your tax deadlines to avoid any penalties or interest from HMRC. Below is a detailed list of the important tax dates coming up in September and October, along with additional information to help you understand what’s due and ensure you’re fully compliant.

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Should You Consider Passing on Wealth Now to Manage Inheritance Tax?

Many individuals, including high-profile figures like TV presenter Anne Robinson, are considering passing on substantial amounts of their wealth ahead of anticipated changes to inheritance tax (IHT) in Labour’s upcoming Budget on 30 October. Robinson, for example, has reportedly transferred £50 million to her children and grandchildren. So, should you be thinking about doing the same?

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Your Guide to Tax-Free Employee Social Events

Planning a staff summer barbecue? Employers can cover the costs of certain social events for their employees without creating a tax liability. This exemption, which was once a concession, is now part of statutory regulations, provided certain conditions are met.

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How to Navigate the 60% Tax Trap

For UK taxpayers earning between £100,000 and £125,140, the 60% tax trap can significantly impact disposable income and financial planning. This effective tax rate arises due to the tapering of the personal allowance.

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