Cash Flow Forecasting for Start-Ups and SMEs

Make better decisions with business insights

As a start-up or SME, you face numerous challenges on your path to growth. One of the most significant hurdles is managing your cash flow. Without a clear understanding of your financial position, even the most promising businesses can struggle to stay afloat. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

We help businesses like yours gain control over their finances with expert cash flow forecasting. Using FUTRLI by Sage, a cutting-edge forecasting tool, we provide the insights you need to make informed decisions and secure your business’s future.

The Problem: Cash Flow Uncertainty

Many start-ups and SMEs face uncertainty when it comes to cash flow. This uncertainty can lead to:

  • Unexpected Financial Shortfalls: Leaving you scrambling to cover essential expenses.
  • Missed Growth Opportunities: Without a clear picture of your finances, you might hesitate to invest in new opportunities.
  • Difficulty Securing Funding: Investors and lenders are cautious about supporting businesses that can’t demonstrate financial clarity.

Our Solution: Proactive Cash Flow Forecasting

You don’t have to navigate these challenges alone. We provide a clear solution with our cash flow forecasting services, designed specifically for start-ups and SMEs.

Using FUTRLI by Sage, we create accurate, real-time forecasts that empower you to:

  • Predict Cash Flow Peaks and Troughs: Stay ahead of potential cash flow issues and plan accordingly.
  • Make Confident Decisions: Whether you’re considering expansion, new hires, or other investments, our forecasts provide the clarity you need.
  • Secure Investment and Funding: With a solid cash flow forecast, you can confidently approach investors and lenders, knowing you have the data to back up your plans.

The Plan: How It Works

We’ve developed a straightforward process to help you take control of your cash flow:

  • Initial Consultation: We’ll meet to discuss your business, challenges, and goals.
  • Data Integration: We’ll integrate FUTRLI by Sage with your existing accounting software, ensuring seamless data flow.
  • Custom Forecast Creation: We’ll build a cash flow forecast tailored to your business, highlighting key trends and potential risks.
  • Ongoing Monitoring and Support: Our team will continue to monitor your forecast, making adjustments as your business evolves.
Take Control Today

Don’t let cash flow uncertainty hold your business back. Partner with A&C Chartered Accountants, the leading accountants in Manchester, and take control of your financial future. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and discover how our cash flow forecasting services, powered by FUTRLI by Sage, can help your business thrive.